How To Write A Powerful CV Summary

The most valuable real estate in a CV is the top half of the first page. It is wasted by not having an inspiring, hard-hitting summary or career profile that establishes the focus of the CV. It gives the hiring manager, at a glance, a synopsis of what you have to offer.

A brief statement highlighting your work experience, achievements and skills. It should be placed below your contact details at the top of your CV.

How to write a powerful CV summary in 4 steps

  1. Your summary is the first item read on your CV, so you want to get to the point. Start with a strong clear statement of who you are and what you do.

  2. Follow this with 2-3 targeted sentences. Highlight your most relevant strengths, skillset, and core competencies that are unique to you as a candidate.

  3. Demonstrate how you can add value to the company. Have you saved money for a company in the past? Did you streamline a process? Include skills and experiences that will impress. Use percentages, numbers, or currency amounts to quantify your achievements.

  4. Close your summary with a clear objective. The most effective objective is one that is tailored to the job you are applying for. State what type of job and employer you are looking for.

Speak about your professional background only. Don't address employment gaps, change of career, personal experiences, etc. Optimise your summary. Look at the job listing, and try to incorporate keywords from the job advert in your summary.

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January 2022

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